UPDATE 12/03/2021
We had an overwhelming number of nominations this year for the Christmas gift assistance. We truly, from the bottom of our hearts wish we could help every family and believe one year, we will be able to.
At this time, nominations for our Ho Ho Hope initiative are now closed. We have selected and reached out to the families at this time.
We are doing our very best to get everything on their lists & possibly be able to select more families.
We are wishing everyone a happy holiday season
ORIGINAL POST 11/23/2021
It’s that time again! Time to nominate a family that needs a little help with holiday cheer.
If you know a family that is facing financial hardship and needs assistance providing Christmas cheer for their children, please nominate them by December 1. We will be sponsoring 1 or 2 families this Christmas to make sure no children wake up without presents from Santa
*Family must live in Broward county
*Winner will be selected based off the quality of the nomination not the quantity
*You may nominate yourself
Please send us a message with your nomination to our Facebook or Instagram page.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100-People-Project-1798994230124735/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/100peopleproject/