100 People Project is a non-profit organization that was founded in January 2018, after Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas.

Our mission is to help as many people as possible but our focus lies on single parents, under privileged children and the homeless. With your help we hope to be able to show people how powerful paying it forward can be. We want to start a chain reaction of kindness big enough to change lives forever...

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Our Community

2688 US Dollars in groceries provided for single parents
500 & more Meals and Blessing Bags provided to the local homeless community
791 & more Students and Teachers helped at the Back to School Events
1 Title 1 Elementary School Partnership

100 People Project News

See how we are trying to spread as much kindness and inspire as much giving as possible...

Successful Back To School Event 2024

315 children sent back to school with the supplies they need to be successful!

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Small Businesses Wanted

We’d love to have you at our Back to School event on July 20!

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Back To School Event 2024

There will be free school supplies & fun for the whole family. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Providing hope through action in underserved and under-resourced communities.

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